Welcome backkk! :D
Composer & vocalist. One half of Forest Elves, also often found making music with LucidShadowDreamer. I also enjoy encouraging other musicians on NG and getting to hear inspiring music :)
Age 31, Male
Vaasa, Finland
Joined on 6/16/13
Welcome backkk! :D
Great to hear from you! Sounds like you've been involved with some really big life events in the past few months; that citizen service program must have been an incredible experience. It's also super exciting to hear about your collaboration! I'll have to check out the Lost Sphear soundtrack now ;)
Thanks! You can say that again haha :) India was definitely a once in a lifetime experience.
Sounds like you had quite the adventure, good on you lending people a hand and congratulations on the square collaboration.
It is wonderful to see you back. <3 How is your recovery coming along?
Very strange trying to adapt to home-life but I'm getting back into music finally, so that's helping :)
Did someone say 75% sale? How much is that? I'm super broke but could probably spring it if it's cheap.
Also, have heard not so good things about Citizen Service program in India -- glad to hear you have been treated well.
And absolutely awesome you got to work with Tomoki Miyoshi. If I'm reading you right, we can check out 'Lost Sphear,' we can hear your work, or we'l have to look for a remix?
It was usually $59.99 but now it's $14.99 so a pretty big drop! :) It's on audioplugin.deals. ICS is a UK government funded programme where you can literally end up in Asia, South America or Africa and you stay with a host family and work on a development project. It's very much about self-development too! The remix album is downloadable through Steam I think. It's called 'Forgotten Memories'.
@etherealwinds BTW, IIRC A Reyvateil's Melody did contact you once -- and the reason I know is that I got invited into it this year as well -- whatcha thinkin' 'bout it?
Hi Annette! The name doesn't seem familiar, what is it? :)
I'll check that out. When does the sale end?
Ah, so it's UK based; that's a totally different program. What I was referencing was essentially a child-military draft.
Awesome. Thanks!
In 6 days, 9 hours, 57 minutes and 20 seconds! Yeah, it's run by VSO (Voluntary Services Overseas)
Sweet. Double thank you, yo. You are getting a decent hunk of the proceeds, correct?
I get 15% of the proceeds from the final sales :)
@etherealwinds An Ar tonelico related doujin circle that is diverse, but does music that coincides with our genres. The user you may have been approached by is a certain Alroetsue?
Hmm, as far as I can recall it's the first I've heard of it and I don't think I've been contacted by anyone of that name? Contacted through Newgrounds or elsewhere? :o
@etherealwinds Elsewhere AFAIK. Unless she may have thought of the wrong person. Apologies aaaa ;_;
I had a quick check on my Skype + social media and searched the name but nothing came up!
How's India doing? :D
I came back in the beginning of April :) I'm in Thailand right now!
Welcome back, my friend! You've been busy and no mistake. Glad to see you back on NG.
Thank you Chrony, lovely to be in touch again!